Hi, friends! If you are a mother who has lost a child, I am so so sorry for your loss. I wish no one knew this level of pain, and I am glad you found your way here. 

I lost my 3 year old, Trucker to cancer in 2017, and for a long time felt like an emotional zombie. I numbed with everything and anything I could. Shopping, alcohol, mindless scrolling, netflix binges, etc.  You name it, I did it, to try and mask the pain. 

You know what I found though? The healing is in the feeling, and it wasn't until I fully embraced grief in all it's messiness and pain that I truly started to heal and now see my grief as it is, my love. I now have made it my life mission to help other mothers who have lost children experience joy again.

I am the author of the best selling book Even If- A Holistic Approach to Grief and Living a Joy Filled Life With Loss. I am also a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, host of Not Your Average Grief Podcast, and a certified Life Coach. 

Does this sound like you?


You are struggling to see a way forward in the future without your child.


You are stuck in the loneliness that grief brings and are struggling with your relationships.


You feel overwhelmed by life and are trying to figure out how to still live.


You show up at different events, birthday parties etc, but feel like an emotional zombie.


You really want to see and experince joy again in your life but don't know how.

“The arch of her courageous vulnerability is the harvest of having toiled the soil, ripping root by root through this incredible journey within the walls of the unimaginable, with grace, bravery, and deep faith."


-Barb Michaud

What's inside holistic grief academy?


Step-by-step self paced video training on cultivating healing practices.


A private community for support & encouragement.


My personal support.


Weekly group coaching calls and six months access to the training program.


An optional grief bestie from within the community.


Lots of love, compassion, & understanding.

Your life won't be defined by what went your way. It will be defined by what you did when it didn't.

-Brianna Weist


Life can still be beautiful with loss.

Do you believe this?

Join Holistic Grief Academy

I have created a system where daily holistic habits help to create the best possible environment in your mind, body, and soul where some healing can take place. I will walk you through this process, welcome you into a powerful community, and hold your hand through the process. Although I don't believe you ever fully heal from child loss, I do know that some healing will take place and must happen.

AFTEr holistic grief academy you will..

experience more joy

This might be hard to imagine but it is possible. Through intentional daily habits, you can & will experience more joy.


feel less alone

You will be part of a powerful community. There is so much strength in knowing that you are not traveling this lonely road alone. 


have more energy

A big part of grief is the fog you feel, and again with targeted tasks in the system I have created, you will start to feel the fog lift.


Feel like this could be a good fit for you? 

book a free connection call 

I look forward to connecting with you.

with lots of love and hope,


Shauna, XO